The sun sears
through my closed eyes
My parched throat
Looking for the elixir
That gives life
I look up in the sky
The yellow ball of fire
Unforgiving and seething with anger
Looks back
I am walking on a barren land
The greens have all escaped
Is there a heaven for them too, somewhere?
I wonder and my tired eyes look for a sliver of shade
Where my own shadow has betrayed
I pray to the gods that be
I pray and my war battered hands shake
I wanted to pray for rains
Instead I pray for forgiveness
I keep walking
With a blistered soul
And then I see you far away
My mind warns me of mirages…
In this open wounded desert, how can you ever be?
But then you are the only thing I ever wanted,
So I give in to the tempest brewing in,
And out of nowhere
The rain clouds gather
Drenching me
Quenching my thirst
Seeping in through the cracks
The sun god made,
As I am rendered homeless
If your eyes were ever to betray